Dobra Criativa

School Experience

We develop creative learning experiences for students and teachers, with practical, fun workshops that resize the look on learning.

School Experience

Experience for high school students

Aims to awaken important points to be worked on by young people who are about to choose their professions: self-knowledge, increased creative capacity, integration, experiences outside the comfort zone. The format is created so that the student participates in a fun, totally practical, fun, innovative and unforgettable experience. A journey inside, where the participant can perceive his authenticity, worldview, skills, interests, powers, values ​​and vocations.

Experience for educators

These are meetings designed to awaken a greater capacity for listening and creativity, to stimulate looking outside the box. The workshop offers tools to improve the ability to improvise in the classroom and improve interpersonal relationships with school staff and students.

Stimulates creativity

Promotes self-knowledge

Offers a creative alternative to old problems
